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Tangents v1.0.1
conversion of V4 code. puts a floating field above a linked word containing whatever tangential content you want. could also be used for explanations without breaking flow.
Arf v1.0.0
ARF: Avatar ReFlection
Adds a partial reflection to avatars in the mini-profile. Margin, fade, and height parameters are customizable. Read More...
Selectable Backgrounds v1.1.0
1 Key
Allow users to choose their own background.
Adds a button into the bottom right bar to allow users to choose their own background.
Administrators assign the list of backgrounds i
Thread Reply Limit v0.0.1
1 Key
This will add an option into the thread creation page allowing the thread creator to limit replies in said thread to a single reply per member. Read More...
Predetermined Post Drop Down v2.1.1
Adds a drop down to the posting page and quick reply that when the value is changed a different post appears in the posting box. Read More...
Posting Activity v1.2.8
puts a colored bar showing how active a member is in posting compared to a number you consider to be active.
put into your mini-profile templates:
<span class="post_act">Registere
Posting Activity Plus v1.1.8
1 Super Key
puts a colored bar showing how active a member is in posting compared to a number you consider to be active.
Posting Activity+ is an upgraded version of the standard plugin that w Read More...
Display Name Change Earned v1.1.0
1 Key
As posters gain new ranks with posting, they are rewarded with the ability to change their Display Name. Once their rewards hit 0, they no longer have ability until they hit a new Read More...
Snowfall v0.5.0
A simple plugin that makes snow fall from the top of the page, think as it as early Christmas present from me :) Read More...
This plugin places a "Quote" button next to posts while on the full reply page, allowing you to pull in quotes right from the thread summary. Read More...