Do you have an idea for a plugin that's not in the Library? Click here and post a request!
This is to help you create or edit the smiley array for the smiley dropdown plugin. After installing the plugin, hover the mouse over the 'Admin' button for an option to list your Read More...
Free —
Smilie Dropdown Plugin with option to 'view all' Support Thread:- Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Key
Your members can have their own, personal, emoticons. Members can currently have up to 25 of their own smileys. They can edit their personal smileys in their profiles, under the ' Read More...
Free —
Displays a birthday cake image (or any image specified by user) on mini profile and profile page when it is that members' birth date. Follow the instructions in the settings tab to Read More...
Free —
Want an easy way to add mini badges to the corner of a members mini-profile? This plugin is for you! You can also add pictures based on the group a member is in! Read More...
Free —
Setting up the layout templates: Look for these three lines in Themes > Layout Templates > Quick Reply (tab) <div class="message"> $[form.message.input] </div> and add these t Read More...
Free —
When a person visits your forum for the first time it'll create a pop up on screen and you can write the text you want it to say, this uses cookies so if the person clears there co Read More...
Free —
Uses 1 Key
This plugin gives each member the ability to create multiple posting templates under the "Settings" tab on the "Edit Profile & Settings" page. Once you have created one or more tem Read More...
Free —