This guide covers our old ProBoards v4 software. Click here for the ProBoards v5 Help Guide.

Here you can delete all posts or threads made by a specific member of the forum. When visiting the Delete Threads / Posts by Member page, you'll be presented with a dropdown menu containing the following options:

Delete all threads started by: With this option selected, all threads created by the username you specify will be deleted from the forum. However, posts made by this member in threads not created by them will remain intact.

Delete all posts made by: With this option selected, all posts made by the username you specify will be deleted from the forum. However, threads created by the user will remain minus the posts they have contributed. This allows other members to continue on with the topic.

Once you've selected the appropriate option from the drop-down menu, enter the username of the member whose content you wish to delete. Keep in mind, this feature requires the members actual username and not their display name. You can find usernames by visiting members profile pages. On the profile page, just above the mini-profile area on the left side of the page, you'll see View Profile: Display Name (username: usernamehere).

Next, set the number of days from which to delete the member's posts. For example, if you want to delete all threads / posts made by a member within the last month, set this number to 30. Any posts made in the last 30 days will then be deleted from the forum.

Keep in mind there is no Undo option for this function. Once a members posts have been deleted from the forum they will be gone. Always double check settings before clicking the Delete Threads / Posts button to ensure you are deleting only the content you want to have removed from the forum.