Widgets allow you to not only customize your custom pages but add content and statistics from the forum to the pages as well.

To edit your custom page select Structure from the admin area menu. On the following menu, select Custom Pages. Click on the name of the custom page you wish to edit from the list.

The Zone Settings tab on each of the zones on the page allows you to specify whether or not you'd like the zone to appear as a container with a title bar. This can be used to make multiple widgets appear as if they're all in the same container.

To add a widget find the zone you want to add the widget to on the page and click on the Add Widget button. Choose the widget you'd like to add from the menu.

  • Bookmarked Threads - A list of threads the member currently has bookmarked.
  • Calendar - Displays either a list of upcoming/recent calendar events taking place on the forum, or displays the calendar for the entire month.
  • Display Poll - Shows a poll from an existing poll thread on the forum. Great when using your custom page as a homepage and you want input on an important subject from members.
  • Display Post - Displays the contents of a particular post on the forum.
  • Forum Navigation Menu - Lists all of your menu items as links.
  • Forum Search - A quick search form that displays results as posts or threads on the forum.
  • Forum Statistics - Lists statistics from the forum including total threads, posts, members, your newest member, and the most users online at one time.
  • HTML Box - A container that you can fill with your own content, including HTML.
  • Member Lists - Lists members based on the criteria you choose. This widget can list members with a birthday today, staff members, top posters, or members currently online.
  • Member Profile - Shows a member's profile exactly as it displays on their profile page. You can display the member's own profile or the profile of a specific member that you choose.
  • Notifications - Lists the member's most recent notifications.
  • Participated Threads - Lists the last several threads the member has posted in that have been updated recently.
  • Personal Messages - Lists the member's most recent PMs.
  • Recent Threads/Posts - Shows the most recent posts or threads made by any users on the forum.
  • Staff Assistant - Shows certain staff notifications.

Each widget has a Container checkbox you can check to give it a title bar and background. Leaving this unchecked will make the background of the widget transparent.

Once you're satisfied with your widget's settings click the Save button to finish its creation.

To edit or delete an existing widget hover your mouse over its window area and click on the Settings button or the Delete button, depending on what you desire to do.

To reorganize the order in which your widgets display on the page hover over one of your widgets and click and drag the middle icon with the up/down arrows. The widget will follow your mouse until you release your mouse button, then be placed in the area you were hovering over.